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 KEYTAB für Entwickler

KEYTAB für Pascal-Programmierer

Die Struktur KEYT, auf die der Cookie-Eintrag verweist, ist folgendermaßen definiert:

   TKEYT = Record
      Magic                : Array [0..3] Of Char;
      Size                 : LongInt;
      GetExpMaxNr          : Function : Integer;
      GetExpNameFromNr     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer) : PChar;
      GetExpNrFromId       : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                eid: Integer) : Integer;
      CharAtari2X          : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer;
                                echr: Char) : Char;
      GetImpMaxNr          : Function : Integer;
      GetImpNameFromNr     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer) : PChar;
      GetImpNrFromId       : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                iid: Integer) : Integer;
      CharX2Atari          : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer;
                                ichr: Char) : Char;
      BlockAtari2X         : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer; elen: LongInt;
                                echrs: PChar);
      BlockX2Atari         : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer; ilen: LongInt;
                                ichrs: PChar);
      cGetExpNameFromNr    : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer) : LongInt;
      cGetImpNameFromNr    : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer) : LongInt;
      GetExpShortNameFromNr: Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer) : LongInt;
      GetImpShortNameFromNr: Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer) : LongInt;
      GetRelease           : Function : Integer;
      GetExpIdFromNr       : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                enr: Integer) : Integer;
      GetImpIdFromNr       : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer) : Integer;
      GetExpNrFromName     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                ename: PChar) : Integer;
      GetImpNrFromName     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                iname: PChar) : Integer;
      GetEuro              : Function : LongInt;
      CharX2Unicode        : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer;
                                ichr: Char) : Integer;
      CharUnicode2X        : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                inr: Integer;
                                iunicode: Integer) : Char;
      BlockX2Unicode       : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                unicode: Array of Integer;
                                nr: Integer;
                                x_chrs: Pointer;
                                len: LongInt );       BlockUnicode2X       : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                x_chrs: Pointer;
                                nr: Integer;
                                unicode: Array of Integer;
                                len: LongInt );
      GetMaxNr             : Function : Integer;       GetMinNr             : Function : Integer;       CharXUtf2Unicode     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                nr: Integer; x_chrs: PChar;
                                len: LongInt;
                                Var read_chars: Integer
                             ) : LongInt;
      CharUnicode2XUtf     : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                nr: Integer;
                                lunicode: LongInt;
                                result: PChar;
                                Var used_chars: Integer
                             ) : PChar;
      BlockXUtf2Unicode    : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                unicode: Array of Integer;
                                Var uni_len: LongInt;
                                nr: Integer; x_chrs: PChar;
                                len: LongInt);
      BlockUnicode2XUtf    : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                x_chrs: PChar;
                                Var str_len: LongInt;
                                nr: Integer;
                                unicode: Array of Integer;
                                len: LongInt);
      BlockXUtf2U2XUtf     : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                dest: PChar;
                                Var dest_len LongInt;
                                dest_nr: Integer;
                                source: PChar;
                                src_len: LongInt;
                                src_nr: Integer);
      BlockXUtf2XUtf      : Procedure(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                dest: PChar;
                                Var dest_len LongInt;
                                dest_nr: Integer;
                                source: PChar;
                                src_len: LongInt;
                                src_nr: Integer);
      GetInfoShort        : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                nr, what: Integer;
                                Var info: Integer
                             ) : Integer;
      GetInfoString       : Function(d1,d2: Pointer;
                                d3,d4,d5: LongInt;
                                nr, what: Integer;
                                info: Pointer;
                                maxLen: Integer
                             ) : Integer;

Copyright © Martin Elsässer (eMail-Adressen)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 3. November 2006
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